Do Not Let Me Drive

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Ever. Why do people let me drive? I can’t. Please just give me a horse… and take my car away.

People say bad things comes in 3s…. they don’t. They come in all the numbers.

1. $1,300 worth of car repairs (my fault for not maintaining my car)

2. my key would NOT turn in my ignition. would not turn. Locksmith at 5 pm… check.

3. on my way back, in the rain, from Santa Fe, a bolt on my alternator came off… resulting in having to be towed.

4. locked my keys in my car. Locksmith at 11:30 pm… check.

5. Joined AAA.

6. Not my car, but drove up to camp in the company car…. took a wrong turn (that’s not my fault)… got stuck in the mud. STUCK IN THE MUD WITHOUT CELL PHONE SERVICE. hitchhiked to cell service. Told rangers where I was (but since I took a wrong turn, I wasn’t where I though I was). Nice man drove us back to car. Waited by car for 2 more hours for rangers. No rangers showed up (you know, since I wasn’t where I thought I was). Went back to highway, hitchhiked again, this time to camp. Rangers towed car out. (also thank you Lord for no rain during this time, and for a beautiful view and day!)

7. Ignition stuck again.

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